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English translation of imprimir


The Spanish word 'imprimir' translates to 'print' in English. It is often used in contexts like printing a document or an image from a computer. Sometimes, it can also refer to impressing or imprinting something on a surface, especially in a metaphorical sense. This verb is primarily used in its various conjugated forms, which depend on the subject and the tense of the sentence.

Example sentences using: imprimir

Necesito imprimir este documento

English translation of Necesito imprimir este documento

I need to print this document

This sentence signifies a common need especially in an office setting where you need to physically reproduce a particular document.

El profesor me pidió que imprimiera el ensayo

English translation of El profesor me pidió que imprimiera el ensayo

The teacher asked me to print the essay

This sentence talks about a task that was given to a student by their teacher, which was to output the written composition on paper.

Voy a imprimir la lista de compras

English translation of Voy a imprimir la lista de compras

I am going to print the shopping list

This phrase entails a plan of someone going to create a hard copy of their shopping list, possibly to take it along to the grocery store.

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