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importación de mercancías

English translation of importación de mercancías

import of goods

The phrase 'importación de mercancías' is a term used commonly in Spanish-speaking economies and businesses. In English, it translates to 'import of goods'. This refers to the act of bringing goods or services into a country from abroad for the purpose of selling. It is a common term in the fields of commerce and economics. Apart from its literal meaning, it might also convey further contexts in business language, depending on the situation.

Example sentences using: importación de mercancías

La importación de mercancías ha aumentado este año.

English translation of La importación de mercancías ha aumentado este año.

The import of goods has increased this year.

This example illustrates the use of 'importación de mercancías' in a simple statement about economic activity. Here, it is stating that the import of goods has seen an increase in the current year.

Carlos trabaja en la oficina de importación de mercancías.

English translation of Carlos trabaja en la oficina de importación de mercancías.

Carlos works at the goods import office.

In this example, 'importación de mercancías' is used to describe a place or type of office. It denotes the kind of work that Carlos does - working in an office where goods importation is conducted.

La oficina de aduanas rechazó la importación de mercancías debido a documentos faltantes.

English translation of La oficina de aduanas rechazó la importación de mercancías debido a documentos faltantes.

The customs office rejected the import of goods due to missing documents.

This sentence uses 'importación de mercancías' in a scenario involving the importation process. In this case, the import was rejected by the customs office because there were missing documents.

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