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imagen enfocada

English translation of imagen enfocada

focussed image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen enfocada' translates to 'focused image' in English. In photography, a focused image is one where the subject of the photograph is sharp and clear, with all details visibly crisp. This term could also be used metaphorically to refer to a clear, concentrated idea or aim.

Example sentences using: imagen enfocada

La imagen desenfocada en la cámara hizo difícil tomar una foto buena.

English translation of La imagen desenfocada en la cámara hizo difícil tomar una foto buena.

The blurred image in the camera made it difficult to take a good photo.

This sentence refers to a situation where the image seen in the camera was out of focus or blurry, making it challenging to capture a high-quality photograph.

Es difícil reconocer el rostro en la imagen desenfocada.

English translation of Es difícil reconocer el rostro en la imagen desenfocada.

It's hard to recognize the face in the blurred image.

In this context, the sentence indicates that someone is struggling to identify a specific face in an image because the image is not focused clearly.

La imagen desenfocada se usa para crear un efecto artístico en la fotografía.

English translation of La imagen desenfocada se usa para crear un efecto artístico en la fotografía.

The blurred image is used to create an artistic effect in the photograph.

This phrase describes a technique in photography where a blurred or out of focus image is intentionally created for the sake of artistic impression or effect.

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