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English translation of imagen


The Spanish word 'imagen' is used to refer to a picture, photograph, or a mental representation of something. It can be used in several contexts similar to English, like digital image ('imagen digital'), image quality ('calidad de imagen'), or mental image ('imagen mental'). Its usage is common both in casual conversations and in more formal or technical discussions.

Example sentences using: imagen

Por favor, envíame la imagen.

English translation of Por favor, envíame la imagen.

Please, send me the image.

This phrase is a request for another person to send a picture or photo.

La imagen en el espejo es mi reflejo.

English translation of La imagen en el espejo es mi reflejo.

The image in the mirror is my reflection.

This phrase uses 'imagen' to refer to a reflection seen in a mirror.

Estoy viendo la imagen en mi cabeza.

English translation of Estoy viendo la imagen en mi cabeza.

I'm seeing the image in my head.

This phrase means that the speaker is picturing something inside his/her head. 'Imagen' in Spanish stands for 'Image' in English.

Esa imagen está muy borrosa.

English translation of Esa imagen está muy borrosa.

That image is very blurry.

In this case, 'imagen' is being used to describe a picture or photo which is not clear or is out of focus.

La imagen de la publicidad era muy llamativa.

English translation of La imagen de la publicidad era muy llamativa.

The image in the advertisement was very striking.

In this context, 'imagen' is used to describe a compelling picture or visual in a commercial advertisement.

La imagen estaba distorsionada en la pantalla.

English translation of La imagen estaba distorsionada en la pantalla.

The image was distorted on the screen.

This phrase uses 'imagen' to describe a scene or picture on a display device that is not clear or normal.

Esta imagen no corresponde con la realidad.

English translation of Esta imagen no corresponde con la realidad.

This image does not correspond with reality.

In this phrase, 'imagen' refers to a representation that does not match the actual condition.

La imagen de las montañas era majestuosa.

English translation of La imagen de las montañas era majestuosa.

The image of the mountains was majestic.

Here 'imagen' is used to describe a beautiful and grand picture of mountains.

La imagen de la empresa es importante.

English translation of La imagen de la empresa es importante.

The image of the company is important.

In this context, 'imagen' refers to the reputation or public perception of a company or business.

Podemos editar la imagen en el ordenador.

English translation of Podemos editar la imagen en el ordenador.

We can edit the image on the computer.

This phrase is related to the process of modifying a picture or photo using computer software.

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