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English translation of ideológico


The Spanish word 'ideológico' translates to 'ideological' in English. It is an adjective that describes something related to or concerned with ideas, the study of their origin and nature. It is often used in the contexts of politics, philosophy, or society, where it might refer to a particular system of ideas that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

Example sentences using: ideológico

El partido tiene un conflicto ideológico interno.

English translation of El partido tiene un conflicto ideológico interno.

The party has an internal ideological conflict.

This sentence is referring to a political or social organization (party). The expression 'conflicto ideológico' (ideological conflict) indicates disagreements or differences in beliefs, values, or principles (ideology) within the organization.

La diferencia ideológica es visible en sus políticas.

English translation of La diferencia ideológica es visible en sus políticas.

The ideological difference is visible in their policies.

In this example, the sentence discusses how ideological differences (different beliefs, values, or principles) can be observed or understood by looking at 'their policies'. Policies here could refer to the specific plans or actions of a political group, a company, or another type of organization.

El análisis ideológico puede revelar mucho sobre una sociedad.

English translation of El análisis ideológico puede revelar mucho sobre una sociedad.

Ideological analysis can reveal a lot about a society.

This sentence uses the term 'análisis ideológico' (ideological analysis) which refers to the study or examination of the system of beliefs, values, and principles (ideology) prevalent in a society. According to the sentence, such an analysis can provide significant insights about a society.

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