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English translation of idea


In Spanish, 'idea' is used in the same context as it is used in English. It refers to a concept or a belief. It can also mean a plan or intention in someone's mind. For example, in the sentence 'Tengo una idea', it means 'I have an idea'.

Example sentences using: idea

No tengo ni idea de lo que está diciendo.

English translation of No tengo ni idea de lo que está diciendo.

I have no idea what he is saying.

This sentence is used when someone doesn't understand what another person is saying. It communicates a total lack of understanding or knowledge about a subject.

La idea de mudarnos a otra ciudad me asusta.

English translation of La idea de mudarnos a otra ciudad me asusta.

The idea of moving to another city scares me.

In this context, a person is expressing fear about the thought or plan of relocating to another city. It reveals emotional response to a potential change in a situation.

¿Cuál es tu idea de un día perfecto?

English translation of ¿Cuál es tu idea de un día perfecto?

What is your idea of a perfect day?

This sentence is typically used to know or inquire someone's vision or expectation for a perfect day.

Dame una idea de cuánto costará.

English translation of Dame una idea de cuánto costará.

Give me an idea of how much it will cost.

This sentence is used when someone asking a rough estimate of likely cost for something or service.

Odiaba la idea de decepcionarte.

English translation of Odiaba la idea de decepcionarte.

I hated the idea of disappointing you.

A person uses this sentence when they dread or fear the thought of disappointing someone.

La idea me pareció interesante.

English translation of La idea me pareció interesante.

The idea seemed interesting to me.

This sentence is used when someone finds a suggested thought or plan intriguing or thought-provoking.

Tengo una idea brillante.

English translation of Tengo una idea brillante.

I have a brilliant idea.

This phrase is often used when someone has an innovative or creative thought that they believe has great potential.

La idea básica es muy simple.

English translation of La idea básica es muy simple.

The basic idea is very simple.

This sentence is generally used when expressing that the fundamental or central concept behind something is easy to understand.

No tengo idea de cómo hacerlo.

English translation of No tengo idea de cómo hacerlo.

I have no idea how to do it.

Used when someone doesn't know or understand how to perform or accomplish a task.

La idea no me atrae.

English translation of La idea no me atrae.

The idea does not appeal to me.

This sentence reflects a personal feeling of an idea or plan not being attractive or engaging.

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