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English translation of icono


The Spanish word 'icono' translates to 'icon' in English. Icons are typically small images or symbols that represent a program, function, or file on a computer. In general, 'icono' can also refer to a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration.

Example sentences using: icono

El icono de la aplicación ha cambiado.

English translation of El icono de la aplicación ha cambiado.

The icon of the application has changed.

This sentence is talking about a modification to the visual representation (icon) of a software application. The subject is the 'icon of the application', and the verb phrase 'has changed' indicates a transformation or alteration that occurred.

Haz clic en el icono para abrir el programa.

English translation of Haz clic en el icono para abrir el programa.

Click on the icon to open the program.

In this example, an action is being instructed - the act of clicking on a graphical symbol, or the 'icon', which will result in the opening of a particular software program. It is a common phrase used in instructions for operating software or technology.

Este artista es un icono en la industria de la música.

English translation of Este artista es un icono en la industria de la música.

This artist is an icon in the music industry.

This sentence describes a person (artist) who has significant influence or standing within the music industry, hence an 'icon'. This usage of 'icon' does not refer to a graphical symbol, rather a prominent or influential figure.

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