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English translation of humano


The Spanish word 'humano' similar to English word 'human' can be used in many ways, but it usually refers to a member of the Homo Sapiens species. It can be used to describe individuals, populations or the humanity as a whole. It is also used in the broader context of human rights ('derechos humanos'), human nature ('naturaleza humana'), or 'ser humano' for human being.

Example sentences using: humano

El arte es una expresión humano.

English translation of El arte es una expresión humano.

Art is a human expression.

This phrase highlights art's role as a means of expressing human thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

El ser humano es complejo.

English translation of El ser humano es complejo.

The human being is complex.

This phrase speaks to the complexity and depth of human nature, which is endlessly versatile and diverse.

El amor humano es voluble.

English translation of El amor humano es voluble.

Human love is fickle.

This phrase shows that human emotions, especially love, can change irregularly and are unpredictable.

El cuerpo humano es impresionante.

English translation of El cuerpo humano es impresionante.

The human body is impressive.

The phrase is used to express awe at the complexities and capabilities of the physical human form.

El tráfico de órganos humano es ilegal.

English translation of El tráfico de órganos humano es ilegal.

Human organ trafficking is illegal.

This phrase refers to the illegal trade of human organs, which is a serious criminal issue globally.

La capacidad de amar es exclusivamente humano.

English translation of La capacidad de amar es exclusivamente humano.

The ability to love is exclusively human.

This text suggests that love, as a mental and emotional state, is unique to human beings.

La evolución humano es un tema intriguing.

English translation of La evolución humano es un tema intriguing.

Human evolution is an intriguing topic.

This sentence speaks to the scientific fascination with how humans have evolved over time.

La bondad es un rasgo humano hermoso.

English translation of La bondad es un rasgo humano hermoso.

Kindness is a beautiful human trait.

This phrase praises the virtue of kindness, recognizing it as a wonderful aspect of human character.

El impacto humano en la tierra es muy evidente.

English translation of El impacto humano en la tierra es muy evidente.

The human impact on earth is very evident.

This phrase discusses the direct and noticeable ways in which human activities have affected our planet.

La inteligencia humano es fascinante.

English translation of La inteligencia humano es fascinante.

Human intelligence is fascinating.

This sentence underlines the impressive and intriguing nature of human intelligence.

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