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English translation of huerta


The Spanish word 'huerta' translates to 'orchard' in English, referring to a plantation of trees or shrubs that bear fruits or nuts. Often consisting of a variety of trees, such as apple, pear, or peach trees, an orchard is usually intended for commercial production. However, in a domestic context, it might refer to a smaller area where fruit trees are cultivated for personal use.

Example sentences using: huerta

Mi abuela tiene una huerta en su patio trasero.

English translation of Mi abuela tiene una huerta en su patio trasero.

My grandmother has a garden in her backyard.

This sentence refers to a typical situation where a person might own a garden, often used to grow various fruits, vegetables, or other plants. In this context, 'huerta' refers to a domestic garden in a person's backyard. The addition of 'en su patio trasero' directly defines the location of the garden.

La huerta provee frescos vegetales para los habitantes locales.

English translation of La huerta provee frescos vegetales para los habitantes locales.

The garden provides fresh vegetables for the local inhabitants.

In this sentence, 'huerta' refers to a garden again but in a different way. Here it could be any kind of garden (public or private) and it provides fresh vegetables for the local inhabitants. Thus it demonstrates the utility of a garden beyond just personal use.

Es importante regar la huerta regularmente.

English translation of Es importante regar la huerta regularmente.

It is important to water the garden regularly.

This sentence refers to the care and management of a garden. 'Huerta' refers to the garden which requires regular watering. This demonstrates one of the responsibilities associated with maintaining a garden.

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