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English translation of hotel


'Hotel' in Spanish is the same as in English, 'hotel'. It is a commercial establishment providing lodging, meals, and other guest services.

Example sentences using: hotel

El hotel es grande.

English translation of El hotel es grande.

The hotel is big.

This is a simple sentence where we describe a hotel using the adjective 'grande' which means big in English. In Spanish, the adjective generally follows the noun it describes.

¿Dónde está el hotel?

English translation of ¿Dónde está el hotel?

Where is the hotel?

This is a question phrase where we are asking for the location of a hotel using the phrase '¿Dónde está...?' which means 'Where is...?' in English.

El hotel tiene una piscina.

English translation of El hotel tiene una piscina.

The hotel has a pool.

In this sentence, we are using 'tiene' which is the third person singular of the verb 'tener' meaning 'to have' in English. The phrase 'una piscina' refers to 'a pool'.

Voy a la recepción del hotel.

English translation of Voy a la recepción del hotel.

I'm going to the hotel reception.

This sentence uses the phrase 'Voy a...' which means 'I'm going to...'. 'La recepción del hotel' translates literally to 'the reception of the hotel'.

El hotel está cerca del aeropuerto.

English translation of El hotel está cerca del aeropuerto.

The hotel is near the airport.

Here we are using 'está cerca de...' to mean 'is near...'. The noun 'el aeropuerto' translates to 'the airport'.

Este es mi hotel favorito.

English translation of Este es mi hotel favorito.

This is my favorite hotel.

This sentence is a basic expression of preference using 'mi favorito' which means 'my favorite'.

El hotel está lleno.

English translation of El hotel está lleno.

The hotel is full.

This is a phrase expressing the condition of the hotel. 'Está lleno' implies 'is full' in English.

¿Cómo llego al hotel?

English translation of ¿Cómo llego al hotel?

How do I get to the hotel?

This is another question phrase. '¿Cómo llego a...?' translates to 'How do I get to...?'

Las habitaciones del hotel son cómodas.

English translation of Las habitaciones del hotel son cómodas.

The hotel rooms are comfortable.

In this sentence, we use 'Las habitaciones del hotel' which means 'The hotel rooms'. The word 'cómodas' means 'comfortable'.

El hotel ofrece desayuno gratis.

English translation of El hotel ofrece desayuno gratis.

The hotel offers free breakfast.

The verb 'ofrece' translates to 'offers'. 'Desayuno gratis' literally means 'free breakfast'.

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