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English translation of hospital


A 'Hospital' is a health care institution where patients receive treatment from specialized medical staff and equipment.

Example sentences using: hospital

Voy al hospital a visitar a mi amigo.

English translation of Voy al hospital a visitar a mi amigo.

I am going to the hospital to visit my friend.

This sentence shows how to use 'Hospital' in a simple sentence. 'Voy' translates to 'I'm going', 'al' to 'to the' and 'a visitar a mi amigo' to 'to visit my friend'.

¿Dónde está el hospital?

English translation of ¿Dónde está el hospital?

Where is the hospital?

This sentence is using '¿Dónde está?' to ask for the location of the hospital. '¿Dónde está?' is the direct question phrase for 'Where is?' in English.

Mi mamá trabaja en un hospital.

English translation of Mi mamá trabaja en un hospital.

This sentence uses 'Mi mamá trabaja en un hospital' to express what one's mother does for a living. 'Trabaja en' can be translated to 'works at' in English.


El hospital está cerca de mi casa.

English translation of El hospital está cerca de mi casa.

The hospital is near my house.

This sentence uses 'Está cerca de' to describe that something (the hospital, in this case) is located near something else.

Necesito ir al hospital para un chequeo.

English translation of Necesito ir al hospital para un chequeo.

I need to go to the hospital for a check-up.

This sentence uses 'Necesito ir al hospital' as a way to express the need to go to the hospital. 'Para un chequeo' can be translated as 'for a check-up'.

El doctor trabaja en ese hospital.

English translation of El doctor trabaja en ese hospital.

The doctor works at that hospital.

In the phrase, 'El doctor trabaja en ese hospital', 'ese' is a demonstrative adjective and it can be translated as 'that' while 'trabaja en' means 'works at'.

¿Cómo llego al hospital desde aquí?

English translation of ¿Cómo llego al hospital desde aquí?

How do I get to the hospital from here?

This sentence is asking for directions to the hospital. '¿Cómo llego a...' can be used to ask 'How do I get to...?'.

El hospital tiene muchos doctores.

English translation of El hospital tiene muchos doctores.

The hospital has many doctors.

This phrase uses 'tiene' which translates to 'has' in English. 'Muchos doctores' translates to 'many doctors'.

El hospital está lleno.

English translation of El hospital está lleno.

The hospital is full.

This sentence is using 'Está lleno' to express that the hospital is full. 'Lleno' translates to 'full' in English.

Mi hermano está en el hospital.

English translation of Mi hermano está en el hospital.

My brother is in the hospital.

This sentence uses 'Mi hermano está en el hospital' to communicate that someone's brother is in the hospital. 'Está en' can be translated to 'is in' in English.

Voy al hospital para visitar a mi abuelo.

English translation of Voy al hospital para visitar a mi abuelo.

I go to the hospital to visit my grandfather.

This sentence shows the use of the verb 'voy' (I go) along with the preposition 'al', which is a contraction of 'a' (to) and 'el' (the). It expresses the purpose of the speaker's visit to the hospital.

El doctor fue al hospital temprano.

English translation of El doctor fue al hospital temprano.

The doctor went to the hospital early.

This sentence uses past tense verb 'fue' (went) to express a completed action. 'Temprano' means early, indicating the time the doctor went to the hospital.

Mi madre trabaja en el hospital.

English translation of Mi madre trabaja en el hospital.

My mother works at the hospital.

This sentence presents a statement about the speaker's mother's profession. It uses the preposition 'en' (at/in) to show the location where the work is carried out.

El paciente fue trasladado al hospital.

English translation of El paciente fue trasladado al hospital.

The patient was transferred to the hospital.

This sentence features the past tense verb 'fue trasladado', which means 'was transferred'. The action was carried out with respect to the hospital.

La ambulancia llevó al chico al hospital.

English translation of La ambulancia llevó al chico al hospital.

The ambulance took the boy to the hospital.

This sentence uses past tense of llevar 'llevó' (took) to describe a past event. The ambulance took the boy to the hospital.

Este hospital es muy grande.

English translation of Este hospital es muy grande.

This hospital is very big.

This sample sentence uses the demonstrative adjective 'Este' (this) and the adjective 'grande' (big) to describe the size of a specific hospital.

Ella está en el hospital porque está enferma.

English translation of Ella está en el hospital porque está enferma.

She is in the hospital because she is sick.

This sentence explains why the person is in the hospital. 'Está enferma' means 'she is sick'. The conjunction 'porque' is used to indicate the reason or cause.

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