The Spanish word 'hormigueo' refers to the feeling of having many small insects, like ants ('hormigas'), walking over your skin. In English, it is translated to 'tingling' or 'pins and needles'. This term is often used in a medical context to describe the sensation that an area of your body is pricking or slightly burning, often because it's recovering from numbness.
Your love causes tingling all over my body.
This phrase is metaphorical, indicating an intense emotional response to another's love that is likened to the physical sensation of tingling.
I have a tingling in my left arm.
This phrase could be used to describe a physical sensation one might experience, suggesting perhaps numbness or the feeling of pins and needles.
The tingling of my legs after running is annoying.
This phrase describes a runner's experience following a workout, indicating that the tingling sensation they're feeling is discomforting.