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historia contemporánea

English translation of historia contemporánea

contemporary history

The term 'historia contemporánea' in Spanish translates to 'contemporary history' in English. This term refers to a subset of history that reflects the historical period from approximately 1945 to the present day. Contemporary history includes the end of World War II through the early 21st century. As the study of the recent past, it often uses sources such as photographs, newspaper clippings, and other primary sources that were created at the time and provide a firsthand account of the events under study.

Example sentences using: historia contemporánea

Estoy estudiando historia contemporánea para mi examen discursivo.

English translation of Estoy estudiando historia contemporánea para mi examen discursivo.

I'm studying contemporary history for my discursive exam.

This phrase could be used by a student who is preparing for an exam that requires them to demonstrate understanding of contemporary history in a discursive essay format.

La historia contemporánea es un tema fascinante que intenta analizar los sucesos actuales en un contexto mundial.

English translation of La historia contemporánea es un tema fascinante que intenta analizar los sucesos actuales en un contexto mundial.

Contemporary history is a fascinating subject that attempts to analyze current events in a global context.

This phrase is expressing a personal interest in the subject of contemporary history, and the focus of its study on analyzing current events within worldwide context.

Mi libro favorito es una novela que se enmarca en la historia contemporánea.

English translation of Mi libro favorito es una novela que se enmarca en la historia contemporánea.

My favorite book is a novel framed in contemporary history.

This phrase is stating a preference for a novel that is set against the backdrop of contemporary history.

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