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historia clínica

English translation of historia clínica

clinical history

The Spanish term 'historia clínica' translates to 'clinical history' in English. Clinical history, in a healthcare context, is a record of relevant information about a patient's past and present health conditions and treatments. It may include details about past illnesses, surgeries, allergies, and medications, as well as family medical history and lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise. Having a thorough clinical history can help healthcare professionals identify potential health risks, make accurate diagnoses, and develop effective treatment plans.

Example sentences using: historia clínica

Fui a buscar mi historia clínica a la clínica.

English translation of Fui a buscar mi historia clínica a la clínica.

I went to get my medical history at the clinic.

In this sentence, 'historia clínica' refers to the record of a person's health history and medical events. It is taken at medical institutions such as a clinic ('clínica' in Spanish).

La historia clínica es un documento médico importante.

English translation of La historia clínica es un documento médico importante.

The medical history is an important medical document.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of the 'historia clínica' as an imperative document in healthcare. Medical histories are important for doctors to understand a patient's health background and make suitable treatments.

La historia clínica de cada paciente debe ser confidencial.

English translation of La historia clínica de cada paciente debe ser confidencial.

Each patient's medical history should be confidential.

The sentence addresses the critical aspect of confidentiality when it comes to a patient's 'historia clínica'. It is regarded as sensitive personal information and should be protected as such, hence the required confidentiality.

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