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English translation of himnos


In Spanish, 'hymns' is translated to 'himnos'. 'Himnos' is used in much the same way as 'hymns' in English, to refer to a type of song, often religious in nature, intended to be sung in congregational or communal settings. It is typically used in relation to church services and can also refer to patriotic songs in the context of national celebration or events.

Example sentences using: himnos

Nos gusta cantar himnos en la iglesia.

English translation of Nos gusta cantar himnos en la iglesia.

We like to sing hymns in the church.

This sentence is expressing a group's fondness for singing hymns during church gatherings.

Los himnos nacionales son un símbolo muy importante.

English translation of Los himnos nacionales son un símbolo muy importante.

National hymns are a very important symbol.

This sentence is demonstrating the significance of national hymns as symbolic elements for nations.

Los himnos suelen ser un componente clave en las ceremonias.

English translation of Los himnos suelen ser un componente clave en las ceremonias.

Hymns tend to be a key component in ceremonies.

The sentence suggests that hymns often play a crucial role in various ceremonies.

En el colegio tuvimos que aprender diversos himnos.

English translation of En el colegio tuvimos que aprender diversos himnos.

In school we had to learn various hymns.

This sentence shares a common experience of learning different hymns in a school setting.

Mi tío compone himnos para la parroquia local.

English translation of Mi tío compone himnos para la parroquia local.

My uncle composes hymns for the local parish.

In this sentence, it talks about a personal example of a family member who writes hymns for a community's church.

Los himnos antiguos tienen un encanto especial.

English translation of Los himnos antiguos tienen un encanto especial.

Ancient hymns have a special charm.

This sentence is stating that old hymns carry a unique appeal due to their age and history.

Recuerdo cuando cantábamos himnos en las asambleas de la escuela.

English translation of Recuerdo cuando cantábamos himnos en las asambleas de la escuela.

I remember when we used to sing hymns at school assemblies.

This example is reminiscing about a time when singing hymns was a part of school assemblies.

Hay himnos que se utilizan en varias fiestas y celebraciones.

English translation of Hay himnos que se utilizan en varias fiestas y celebraciones.

There are hymns that are used in various parties and celebrations.

The sentence describes how certain hymns are commonly utilized in different social festivities and celebrations.

El coro puso a todos de pie con su interpretación de los himnos.

English translation of El coro puso a todos de pie con su interpretación de los himnos.

The choir got everyone standing with their rendition of the hymns.

This line talks about an instance where a choir's performance of hymns was received positively by an audience.

Cada domingo, mi abuela me enseñaba nuevos himnos.

English translation of Cada domingo, mi abuela me enseñaba nuevos himnos.

Every Sunday, my grandmother taught me new hymns.

This sentence recalls a memory of a grandmother teaching new hymns on a regular basis.

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