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hilo dental

English translation of hilo dental


The Spanish term 'hilo dental' directly translates to English as 'dental floss'. It refers to a cord of thin filaments used to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth in areas a toothbrush is unable to reach. Its use is recommended for an essential part of personal oral hygiene and dental health.

Example sentences using: hilo dental

Necesito comprar más hilo dental.

English translation of Necesito comprar más hilo dental.

I need to buy more dental floss.

This sentence is stating a need or action that needs to be fulfilled. The speaker needs to purchase more dental floss, which shows 'hilo dental' being used in the context of shopping or preparing a shopping list.

¿Dónde está mi hilo dental?

English translation of ¿Dónde está mi hilo dental?

Where is my dental floss?

This is a standard question, where the speaker is looking for their dental floss. The phrase demonstrates using 'hilo dental' in the context of an everyday situation.

El hilo dental es importante para la higiene oral.

English translation of El hilo dental es importante para la higiene oral.

Dental floss is important for oral hygiene.

This sentence is stating a fact or opinion about dental floss. The speaker is emphasizing the importance of dental floss in maintaining good oral hygiene. It shows one way to use 'hilo dental' in a context explaining its importance or value.

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