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higiene industrial

English translation of higiene industrial

industrial hygiene

Industrial hygiene, or 'higiene industrial' in Spanish, refers to the science of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling workplace conditions that may cause workers' injury or illness. Industrial hygienists use environmental monitoring and analytical methods to detect the extent of worker exposure and employ engineering, work practice controls, and other methods to control potential health hazards.

Example sentences using: higiene industrial

El curso de higiene industrial es muy completo.

English translation of El curso de higiene industrial es muy completo.

The industrial hygiene course is very comprehensive.

This sentence refers to a course about industrial hygiene. Industrial hygiene is the science about the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards arising in or from the workplace. The phrase 'muy completo' means 'very comprehensive', indicating the course covers many aspects of this discipline.

La implementación de higiene industrial puede prevenir accidentes laborales.

English translation of La implementación de higiene industrial puede prevenir accidentes laborales.

The implementation of industrial hygiene can prevent occupational accidents.

Industrial hygiene practices focus on making workplaces safer and healthier. This sentence refers to the fact that the proper implementation of such practices, which primarily involve prevention and control of workplace hazards, can decrease the frequency of occupational accidents.

La higiene industrial es obligatoria en todas las fábricas.

English translation of La higiene industrial es obligatoria en todas las fábricas.

Industrial hygiene is mandatory in all factories.

This sentence is a statement that across all factories, it's required to apply industrial hygiene standards. The word 'obligatoria' translates to 'mandatory', emphasizing the importance and non-negotiable nature of these practices for the safety and health of workers in factories.

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