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English translation of hielo


The Spanish word 'hielo' translates to 'ice' in English. It represents the solid state of water when it is frozen, often used to cool drinks or in reference to frigid temperatures. In general use, you might find it in various contexts such as weather reports, cooking instructions, or descriptions of cold objects.

Example sentences using: hielo

El hielo cubre las montañas en invierno.

English translation of El hielo cubre las montañas en invierno.

Ice covers the mountains in winter.

In this sentence, 'hielo' is used to describe a condition of the weather.

Esta especie de osos vive en el hielo.

English translation of Esta especie de osos vive en el hielo.

This species of bears live in the ice.

In this case, 'hielo' is used as a habitat for certain species.

El camino está resbaladizo por el hielo.

English translation of El camino está resbaladizo por el hielo.

The road is slippery because of the ice.

Here, 'hielo' describes a hazard caused by frozen water.

Necesito cubitos de hielo para el cóctel.

English translation of Necesito cubitos de hielo para el cóctel.

I need ice cubes for the cocktail.

In this context, 'hielo' signifies a specific shape of frozen water used in beverages.

Pon un poco de hielo en la bebida.

English translation of Pon un poco de hielo en la bebida.

Put some ice in the drink.

In this sentence, 'hielo' is used as a noun to refer to the solid form of water.

El hielo se está derritiendo demasiado rápido.

English translation of El hielo se está derritiendo demasiado rápido.

The ice is melting too quickly.

Here, 'hielo' is used to describe the solid form of water undergoing a change of state.

Las temperaturas bajo cero pueden formar hielo.

English translation of Las temperaturas bajo cero pueden formar hielo.

Sub zero temperatures can form ice.

In this context, 'hielo' is used to demonstrate a result of extremely low temperatures.

El hielo le causa dolor en la herida.

English translation of El hielo le causa dolor en la herida.

The ice causes pain in the wound.

Here, 'hielo' is used to denote a cause of discomfort.

La niña está jugando con un trozo de hielo.

English translation of La niña está jugando con un trozo de hielo.

The girl is playing with a chunk of ice.

In this example, 'hielo' is an object of play.

El hielo en Marte indica la presencia de agua.

English translation of El hielo en Marte indica la presencia de agua.

The ice on Mars indicates the presence of water.

In this context, 'hielo' is used to make scientific assumptions about other planets.

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