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English translation of (hidro)masaje


(Hidro)masaje is a Spanish term that refers to a hydro massage. A hydro massage is a treatment procedure applied by water and air pressure, either simultaneously or alternatively, to relieve muscular tension and stimulate circulation. It is often performed in specialized facilities like spas and wellness centers. This treatment method is believed to alleviate muscle and joint pain, improve blood circulation, and encourage relaxation and general well-being. Hydro massages can include whirlpool baths, pressurized jets in swimming pools, or individual hydro massage machines.

Example sentences using: (hidro)masaje

Después del ejercicio, suelo relajarme con un hidromasaje.

English translation of Después del ejercicio, suelo relajarme con un hidromasaje.

After exercise, I usually relax with a hydromassage.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing a common routine they do after exercising which is relaxing with a hydromassage. A hydromassage is a therapeutic use of water pressure to bring relaxation and stimulate circulation.

Los balnearios ofrecen sesiones de hidromasaje para promover la relajación y el bienestar.

English translation of Los balnearios ofrecen sesiones de hidromasaje para promover la relajación y el bienestar.

Spas offer hydromassage sessions to promote relaxation and well-being.

In this context, the speaker is explaining spa services, specifically hydromassage sessions. It communicates the idea that these sessions help promote a state of relaxation and well-being.

El hidromasaje puede ayudar a aliviar la tensión muscular.

English translation of El hidromasaje puede ayudar a aliviar la tensión muscular.

Hydromassage can help relieve muscle tension.

Here, the speaker explains a potential benefit of hydromassage, which is relieving muscle tension. The purpose of this sentence is to highlight health benefits associated with hydromassage.

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