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herida de arma blanca

English translation of herida de arma blanca

stab wound

The Spanish phrase 'herida de arma blanca' translates to 'stab wound' in English. It refers to a type of injury resulting from the use of a sharp or pointed weapon such as a knife. The term 'arma blanca' specifically refers to a white weapon, which is a category of weapons with a sharp or pointed edge. Please note that this term is often used in a medical or legal context.

Example sentences using: herida de arma blanca

No debemos ignorar la gravedad de una herida de arma blanca.

English translation of No debemos ignorar la gravedad de una herida de arma blanca.

We should not ignore the severity of a knife wound.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of not underestimating the seriousness of a knife wound, urging individuals to take such matters seriously.

Un golpe bien dado puede convertirse en una herida de arma blanca sin que nos demos cuenta.

English translation of Un golpe bien dado puede convertirse en una herida de arma blanca sin que nos demos cuenta.

A well-struck blow can become a knife wound without us realizing it.

This sentence is cautioning that an aggressive or powerful hit can easily become a knife wound, potentially without any immediate acknowledgement of the severity of the injury.

La policía descubrió que la víctima tenía una herida de arma blanca.

English translation of La policía descubrió que la víctima tenía una herida de arma blanca.

The police discovered that the victim had a knife wound.

This phrase is used in a context where the police investigation discovered evidence of a knife wound on the body of a victim.

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