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hemisferio sur

English translation of hemisferio sur

Southern hemisphere

The Spanish term 'hemisferio sur' translates to 'southern hemisphere' in English. The term is used in geography to refer to the half of earth that is located to the south of the equator. It includes all the parts of South America, Australasia, half of Africa, Antarctic and parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Example sentences using: hemisferio sur

Vivimos en el hemisferio sur, por lo que nuestras estaciones son opuestas a las del norte.

English translation of Vivimos en el hemisferio sur, por lo que nuestras estaciones son opuestas a las del norte.

We live in the southern hemisphere, so our seasons are opposite to those of the north.

This is a factual statement explaining how seasons in the southern hemisphere are opposite to those in the northern hemisphere due to the Earth's tilt.

En el hemisferio sur, la constelación de Orión parece invertida.

English translation of En el hemisferio sur, la constelación de Orión parece invertida.

In the southern hemisphere, the Orion constellation appears inverted.

This describes how celestial bodies appear differently in the southern hemisphere due to the perspective from the Earth's surface.

La mayoría de la población del hemisferio sur vive en zonas urbanas.

English translation of La mayoría de la población del hemisferio sur vive en zonas urbanas.

Most of the southern hemisphere population lives in urban areas.

This statement is providing a demographic detail about the southern hemisphere, specifically about the environment in which most residents live.

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