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hemisferio norte

English translation of hemisferio norte

Northern hemisphere

The Spanish term 'hemisferio norte' translates to 'northern hemisphere' in English. The northern hemisphere refers to the half of the planet that is north of the equator. This hemisphere includes parts of North America, Europe, Asia, and significant portions of Africa. In the context of astronomy, the northern hemisphere is also a term used to refer to the half of the celestial sphere that is north of the celestial equator.

Example sentences using: hemisferio norte

El hemisferio norte es donde se encuentra la mayor parte de la tierra habitable en el planeta.

English translation of El hemisferio norte es donde se encuentra la mayor parte de la tierra habitable en el planeta.

The Northern Hemisphere is where most of the habitable land on the planet is found.

This sentence is talking about the fact that the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth contains the majority of the planet's land that is suitable for human habitation.

Durante el solsticio de verano, el hemisferio norte inclina hacia el sol.

English translation of Durante el solsticio de verano, el hemisferio norte inclina hacia el sol.

During the summer solstice, the Northern Hemisphere tilts towards the sun.

This sentence refers to the astronomical event of the summer solstice, when the Earth's Northern Hemisphere tilts towards the Sun, resulting in the longest day of the year in this part of the world.

Los astronautas pudieron ver el hemisferio norte desde su nave espacial.

English translation of Los astronautas pudieron ver el hemisferio norte desde su nave espacial.

The astronauts were able to see the Northern Hemisphere from their spacecraft.

In this sentence, astronauts are viewing the Northern Hemisphere from their spacecraft, probably while in orbit around the Earth, where new perspectives of our planet can be observed.

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