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hacerse unas pruebas de orina

English translation of hacerse unas pruebas de orina

get some urine tests.

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse unas pruebas de orina' translates to 'get some urine tests' in English. This might be used in a medical context when someone needs to have their urine tested for various reasons. It can be for routine check-ups, diagnosis of a disease, or monitoring the condition of a disease. The term directly translates to 'to have oneself some urine tests' as a suggestion or a necessity.

Example sentences using: hacerse unas pruebas de orina

Mi doctor dijo que debería hacerse unas pruebas de orina para verificar la salud de mis riñones.

English translation of Mi doctor dijo que debería hacerse unas pruebas de orina para verificar la salud de mis riñones.

My doctor said that I should have a urine test to check the health of my kidneys.

In this sentence, the phrase 'hacerse unas pruebas de orina' is used to refer to undergoing a urine test, as suggested by a doctor to assess the state of kidney health.

Por el dolor de estómago recurrente, es buena idea hacerse unas pruebas de orina.

English translation of Por el dolor de estómago recurrente, es buena idea hacerse unas pruebas de orina.

Because of the recurring stomach pain, it's a good idea to have a urine test.

This sentence suggests that due to persistent stomach pain, a person should consider 'hacerse unas pruebas de orina', meaning to have a urine test. This demonstrates the use of the phrase in the context of taking preventive health measures.

Para descartar cualquier problema renal, deberías hacerse unas pruebas de orina.

English translation of Para descartar cualquier problema renal, deberías hacerse unas pruebas de orina.

To rule out any kidney problems, you should have a urine test.

Here, 'hacerse unas pruebas de orina', which translates to having a urine test, is suggested as a measure to eliminate the possibility of kidney problems. It demonstrates the phrase's use in diagnostic contexts.

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