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hacerse una liposucción

English translation of hacerse una liposucción

to get liposuction

The Spanish term 'hacerse una liposucción' translates to 'to get liposuction' in English. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure where excess fat is removed from different parts of the body. It's used to reshape particular areas or to improve body contours. In Spanish, the term 'hacerse una liposucción' can be broken down to 'hacerse' which is the reflexive form of 'hacer' meaning 'to do or make', 'una' meaning 'a', and 'liposucción' which is the same term for 'liposuction'. So, in essence, 'hacerse una liposucción' literally means 'to do or make a liposuction' which is understood as 'to get liposuction'.

Example sentences using: hacerse una liposucción

Estoy pensando en hacerme una liposucción para mejorar mi figura.

English translation of Estoy pensando en hacerme una liposucción para mejorar mi figura.

I'm thinking about getting liposuction to improve my figure.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing the idea of considering liposuction as a means to enhance their physical appearance. The verb 'hacerse' along with 'una liposucción' implies the action of getting or having a liposuction procedure.

Hacerse una liposucción puede ser una decisión difícil de tomar.

English translation of Hacerse una liposucción puede ser una decisión difícil de tomar.

Getting liposuction can be a hard decision to make.

This sentence reflects on the complexity and seriousness of deciding to undergo a liposuction procedure. The phrase 'hacerse una liposucción' here refers to the process of deciding to have one's body fats surgically removed.

Hacerse una liposucción no es una solución mágica para perder peso.

English translation of Hacerse una liposucción no es una solución mágica para perder peso.

Getting liposuction is not a magic solution for losing weight.

In this example, the speaker is debunking common misconceptions about liposuction, which is referred to by the Spanish phrase 'hacerse una liposucción'. The sentence emphasizes that liposuction is not an easy or magical cure for weight loss.

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