Get in the way
'Hacerse mechas' does not translate to 'get in the way' in English. In fact, it literally translates to 'making highlights' and is commonly used in the context of hair styling where 'mechas' refers to 'highlights' or 'streaks'. Therefore, 'hacerse mechas' would typically be used to describe someone getting highlights in their hair.
Before getting highlights, it is advisable to consult with a professional.
This sentence provides advice to someone considering getting highlights. It suggests they seek professional input before making the decision.
I am thinking of getting highlights to change my appearance.
In this example, the speaker is considering adding highlights to their hair for a new look.
Lucia decided to get highlights to give more shine to her hair.
Here, the person named Lucia has chosen to add highlights to her hair. This may enhance the overall brightness and diversity of color in her hair.