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hacerse la manicura

English translation of hacerse la manicura

to get a manicure

The phrase 'hacerse la manicura' in Spanish translates to 'get a manicure' in English. It is used when someone is having their fingernails cleaned, trimmed, shaped, or painted usually at a beauty salon or spa. However, the term can also be used when someone does a manicure for themselves at home. The phrase is mainly used by women, but is not exclusive to them, as men can also 'hacerse la manicura'.

Example sentences using: hacerse la manicura

María siempre se va a hacerse la manicura los sábados.

English translation of María siempre se va a hacerse la manicura los sábados.

Maria always goes to get her manicure on Saturdays.

In this sentence, 'hacerse la manicura' represents an activity that Maria regularly does on a specific day of the week (Saturday). This serves to depict routine habits or activities in Spanish.

Antes de la boda, es importante que hagas el itinerario para hacerse la manicura.

English translation of Antes de la boda, es importante que hagas el itinerario para hacerse la manicura.

Before the wedding, it is important for you to schedule a manicure.

Here, 'hacerse la manicura' is mentioned as an item in a to-do list or schedule. It refers to the emphasis on planning or scheduling activities, highlighting the cultural importance of personal grooming and preparation for special events.

Si quiero hacerse la manicura, necesito comprar esmalte de uñas.

English translation of Si quiero hacerse la manicura, necesito comprar esmalte de uñas.

If I want to get a manicure, I need to buy nail polish.

In this instance, 'hacerse la manicura' indicates a desire or intention to perform an action (to get a manicure), depending on a certain condition being met (buying nail polish). This illustrates the use of conditional statements in Spanish.

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