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hacerse budista

English translation of hacerse budista

becoming Buddhist

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse budista' translates to 'becoming Buddhist' in English. It implies a person's transition or decision to follow Buddhism, a path of spiritual growth, meditation, and understanding proposed by Buddha. The phrase can refer to the adoption of Buddhist beliefs, customs, and practices due to a change in personal religious or spiritual perspective.

Example sentences using: hacerse budista

Mi hermana quiere hacerse budista, ¿qué piensas?

English translation of Mi hermana quiere hacerse budista, ¿qué piensas?

My sister wants to become Buddhist, what do you think?

This sentence is used when someone is sharing the information that their sister is considering converting to Buddhism and is seeking the listener's opinion on this.

A pesar de ser criado en una familia católica, Juan decidió hacerse budista.

English translation of A pesar de ser criado en una familia católica, Juan decidió hacerse budista.

Despite being raised in a Catholic family, Juan decided to become a Buddhist.

This sentence highlights a scenario where someone, in this case, Juan, has decided to convert to Buddhism from Catholicism. It emphasizes that Juan's religious upbringing did not impact his decision to convert.

Hay libros útiles para aquellos que desean hacerse budista.

English translation of Hay libros útiles para aquellos que desean hacerse budista.

There are useful books for those who wish to become Buddhist.

This sentence is used to express the idea that there exists helpful resources, in this case, books, for individuals interested in Buddhism.

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