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hacer una reducción de capital

English translation of hacer una reducción de capital

to reduce capital

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una reducción de capital' translates to 'to reduce capital' in English. This is typically used in financial and business contexts, referring to the action of decreasing a company's capital. The reduction can be carried out through different methods, like by decreasing the nominal value of the shares, reducing the number of shares, or by even direct withdrawal of resources.

Example sentences using: hacer una reducción de capital

La compañía está considerando hacer una reducción de capital.

English translation of La compañía está considerando hacer una reducción de capital.

The company is considering a capital reduction.

In this sentence, the company is thinking about reducing its capital usually referred to financial strategies aimed at decreasing a company's overall equity base.

El accionista propuso hacer una reducción de capital para aumentar el valor de las acciones restantes.

English translation of El accionista propuso hacer una reducción de capital para aumentar el valor de las acciones restantes.

The shareholder proposed a capital reduction to increase the value of the remaining shares.

Here, the shareholder suggests reducing the company's capital. This strategy can increase the value of the remaining shares by reducing the total number of shares.

Antes de hacer una reducción de capital, es importante analizar su impacto financiero

English translation of Antes de hacer una reducción de capital, es importante analizar su impacto financiero

Before carrying out a capital reduction, it is important to analyze its financial impact.

The sentence indicates that prior to opting for a capital reduction move, companies should assess potential financial implications to ensure it doesn't harm their financial stability or growth.

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