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hacer una receta (médica)

English translation of hacer una receta (médica)

get a prescription (medical)

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una receta (médica)' translates to 'get a prescription (medical)' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of healthcare, where a patient visits a doctor or a healthcare professional to receive a written instruction (a prescription) for medication or other treatment. The use of this phrase may vary in different Spanish-speaking regions, but its general meaning remains consistent.

Example sentences using: hacer una receta (médica)

Necesito hacer una receta médica para mi abuela enferma.

English translation of Necesito hacer una receta médica para mi abuela enferma.

I need to write a medical prescription for my sick grandmother.

This sentence is used when someone needs to write a medical prescription for someone else who is sick. In this case, the speaker needs to write a prescription for their sick grandmother.

¿Cómo puedo hacer una receta médica para este medicamento?

English translation of ¿Cómo puedo hacer una receta médica para este medicamento?

How can I write a medical prescription for this medicine?

This phrase is typically used when someone needs to know how to write a prescription for a specific medicine. The speaker is asking for instructions or guidance on this process.

Hacer una receta médica es una responsabilidad del médico.

English translation of Hacer una receta médica es una responsabilidad del médico.

Writing a medical prescription is a doctor's responsibility.

This sentence explains whose responsibility it is to write a medical prescription. The speaker states that it's a doctor's responsibility to do so.

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