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hacer una promesa

English translation of hacer una promesa

make a promise

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una promesa' translates to 'make a promise' in English. This phrase combines the verb 'hacer' (to make) with the noun 'promesa' (promise), usually states that someone guarantees they will do a specific action in the future. Making a promise implies commitment, responsibility, and trustworthiness. For instance, we use it in sentences like 'Voy a hacer una promesa' which translates to 'I am going to make a promise'.

Example sentences using: hacer una promesa

Mario decidió hacer una promesa a su madre.

English translation of Mario decidió hacer una promesa a su madre.

Mario decided to make a promise to his mother.

In this sentence, the act of making a promise is portrayed as a decision made by the subject, Mario, to his mother. The phrase 'hacer una promesa' is used within a broader context, implying a personal and emotional commitment.

¿Cómo puedes hacer una promesa que no puedes mantener?

English translation of ¿Cómo puedes hacer una promesa que no puedes mantener?

How can you make a promise that you can't keep?

This is a rhetorical question used to challenge the ability or integrity of a person in keeping promises. The phrase 'hacer una promesa' is combined with a negative statement, suggesting the difficulty or impossibility of fulfilling the promise.

Para ganarse la confianza de sus amigos, Juan tenía que hacer una promesa.

English translation of Para ganarse la confianza de sus amigos, Juan tenía que hacer una promesa.

To earn his friends' trust, Juan had to make a promise.

This statement ties the act of making a promise ('hacer una promesa') to earning trust. It portrays that making a promise is something Juan had to do as an obligation or requirement in order to gain trust from his friends.

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