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hacer una película

English translation of hacer una película

make a movie

'Hacer una película' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'make a movie' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to the process of filmmaking, which includes pre-production, producing, directing, filming, and post-production. In a broader context, it could also imply the act of creating a motion picture or a cinematic work. This phrase implies the collective effort that goes into the creation of a movie.

Example sentences using: hacer una película

Vamos a hacer una película este fin de semana

English translation of Vamos a hacer una película este fin de semana

We are going to make a movie this weekend

In this sentence, 'hacer una película' is used to express the idea of creating a movie. It's expressing a future activity happening on the weekend, using the verb 'Vamos a' to indicate the future tense.

Para hacer una película, necesitas una buena cámara

English translation of Para hacer una película, necesitas una buena cámara

To make a movie, you need a good camera

This sentence is providing a condition (needing a good camera) to be able to perform the action described by 'hacer una película'. It's showing that certain tools or capabilities are needed to complete the action.

El director tiene mucha experiencia en hacer una película

English translation of El director tiene mucha experiencia en hacer una película

The director has a lot of experience in making a movie

In this usage, 'hacer una película' is showing that the director has experience in movie creation. The preposition 'en' is used to link the verb with the action 'hacer una película', signifying experience in this field.

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