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hacer una operación

English translation of hacer una operación

make an operation

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una operación' translates to 'make an operation' in English. This can refer to performing a mathematical operation or undertaking a specific action or task. In medical terms, it can refer to performing a surgery. The verb 'hacer' means 'to do' or 'to make', and 'una operación' means 'an operation'. Therefore, depending on context, the phrase can have multiple interpretations in English.

Example sentences using: hacer una operación

Antes de salir, mi madre tuvo que hacer una operación en la calculadora para dividir la cuenta.

English translation of Antes de salir, mi madre tuvo que hacer una operación en la calculadora para dividir la cuenta.

Before leaving, my mother had to do a calculation on the calculator to split the bill.

In this sentence, 'hacer una operación' refers to calculating or performing a mathematical operation which includes addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc. It demonstrates how to use the phrase in the context of everyday tasks.

El doctor tuvo que hacer una operación a Juan para extirparle el apéndice.

English translation of El doctor tuvo que hacer una operación a Juan para extirparle el apéndice.

The doctor had to operate on John to remove his appendix.

In this context, 'hacer una operación' means to perform a surgical operation. It shows how the phrase can be used in medical settings.

Voy a hacer una operación en mi cuenta bancaria para saber cuánto dinero me queda.

English translation of Voy a hacer una operación en mi cuenta bancaria para saber cuánto dinero me queda.

I'm going to do a calculation on my bank account to find out how much money I have left.

In this scenario, 'hacer una operación' is used to denote a financial operation which can include calculating remaining balance, transfer of funds or any other banking related calculation.

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