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hacer un safari

English translation of hacer un safari

go on a safari

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un safari' translates to 'go on a safari' in English. It is a travel and adventure term commonly used when talking about observing wildlife in their natural habitat, usually in Africa. In this context, 'hacer' means 'to do or to make', 'un' means 'a', and 'safari' is a borrowed word that remains the same in both languages.

Example sentences using: hacer un safari

Quisiera hacer un safari en África algún día.

English translation of Quisiera hacer un safari en África algún día.

I would like to go on a safari in Africa someday.

This sentence demonstrates a future intention or desire to do a safari in Africa. The verb 'quisiera' is a polite form to express a wish or desire.

Hacer un safari es una experiencia única en la vida.

English translation of Hacer un safari es una experiencia única en la vida.

Going on a safari is a once in a lifetime experience.

This sentence is expressing the uniqueness and rarity of the experience of going on a safari. It's a common phrase used to express something extraordinary or very special.

¿Te gustaría hacer un safari en Kenia?

English translation of ¿Te gustaría hacer un safari en Kenia?

Would you like to go on a safari in Kenya?

In this sentence, the speaker is asking the listener if they would be interested in going on a safari in Kenya. It's a common way to suggest or propose an activity in Spanish.

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