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hacer un sacrificio

English translation of hacer un sacrificio

make a sacrifice

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un sacrificio' translates into English as 'make a sacrifice'. It is used to refer to the act of giving up something you value for the sake of something else considered as having more value or importance. It can be used in various contexts such as personal, professional, cultural, religious, etc. The usage of this phrase often involves a sense of selflessness or self-sacrifice for the good of others or achieving a particular aim or goal.

Example sentences using: hacer un sacrificio

Debemos hacer un sacrificio para lograr nuestros objetivos.

English translation of Debemos hacer un sacrificio para lograr nuestros objetivos.

We must make a sacrifice to achieve our goals.

This phrase implies that in order to reach our goals, we often have to give something up. This could be time, resources, or something else.

La madre dijo a sus hijos que hacer un sacrificio a veces es necesario.

English translation of La madre dijo a sus hijos que hacer un sacrificio a veces es necesario.

The mother told her children that making a sacrifice is sometimes necessary.

This phrase suggests that parents often teach their children about the difficult choices one may need to make in life, including sacrifices.

Para salvar la empresa, tenemos que hacer un sacrificio.

English translation of Para salvar la empresa, tenemos que hacer un sacrificio.

To save the company, we have to make a sacrifice.

This phrase suggests that business survival sometimes requires difficult decisions to be made, often leading to sacrifices.

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