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hacer un papel

English translation of hacer un papel

make a role

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un papel' translates to 'make a role' in English. It is used in the context of performing or undertaking a certain role or responsibility, typically in a play, movie or similar scenario. For instance, in a school play, a student might 'hacer un papel' or 'make a role' of a specific character. However, it can also be used figuratively to imply taking on a role in a metaphorical way, such as in a social situation.

Example sentences using: hacer un papel

Tienes que hacer un papel importante en este proyecto.

English translation of Tienes que hacer un papel importante en este proyecto.

You have to play an important role in this project.

In this sentence, 'hacer un papel' is used to describe the role someone needs to take on or play in a certain context, in this case, a project.

Mi hermano va a hacer un papel de Romeo en la obra de teatro.

English translation of Mi hermano va a hacer un papel de Romeo en la obra de teatro.

My brother is going to play the role of Romeo in the play.

This sentence shows another context where 'hacer un papel' can be used. It is used to describe the act of playing a specific character or role, in this case, the character of Romeo in a play.

No quiero hacer un papel ridículo en la fiesta de mañana.

English translation of No quiero hacer un papel ridículo en la fiesta de mañana.

I don't want to make a fool of myself at tomorrow's party.

Here the phrase 'hacer un papel' refers to the action one carries out, and the impressions or interpretations that might result from it. The speaker does not want to act in a way that could be seen as ridiculous or foolish at the upcoming party.

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