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hacer un milagro

English translation of hacer un milagro

doing a miracle

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un milagro' translates to 'doing a miracle' in English. This is often used in the context of achieving something truly exceptional or impressive, often against considerable odds or in a seemingly impossible situation, much like what a miracle would imply. The phrase can be used metaphorically and does not necessarily pertain to literal miracles. In daily speech, it might be used to describe problem-solving or achieving some extraordinary results.

Example sentences using: hacer un milagro

No puedo hacer un milagro y solucionar todos tus problemas

English translation of No puedo hacer un milagro y solucionar todos tus problemas

I can't perform a miracle and solve all your problems

This phrase is commonly used to explain that one cannot magically solve all of someone else's problems, emphasizing the impossibility or difficulty of the task

Para salvar la empresa, necesitamos hacer un milagro

English translation of Para salvar la empresa, necesitamos hacer un milagro

To save the company, we need to perform a miracle

This sentence is used in a context where a company is going through serious problems, and a miracle or extraordinary action is needed to save it

Aunque intentó hacer un milagro, el equipo perdió el partido

English translation of Aunque intentó hacer un milagro, el equipo perdió el partido

Even though he tried to perform a miracle, the team lost the match

This sentence is typically expressed in a sporting context where despite a team member's valiant efforts, the team was unsuccessful in winning the game

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