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hacer un giro (postal)

English translation of hacer un giro (postal)

make a twist (postal)

The phrase 'hacer un giro (postal)' in Spanish translates to 'make a twist (postal)' in English. However, in a context, it often refers to sending money through a postal money order. A giro is a method of sending money that is used mainly in Europe and Latin America that helps people without access to a bank account. Postal refers to the method of sending it, which is through the postal system. So 'hacer un giro (postal)' commonly implies making a postal money order.

Example sentences using: hacer un giro (postal)

Necesito hacer un giro postal para pagar mis cuentas.

English translation of Necesito hacer un giro postal para pagar mis cuentas.

I need to make a postal money order to pay my bills.

In this sentence, the speaker uses 'hacer un giro postal' to indicate that they need to make a postal money order. This is a way of transferring money through the post office, often used to pay bills or send money to someone.

¿Puedes enseñarme cómo hacer un giro postal?

English translation of ¿Puedes enseñarme cómo hacer un giro postal?

Can you show me how to make a postal money order?

In this example, the speaker is asking for help in how to 'hacer un giro postal', or how to make a postal money order. They may be unfamiliar with the process and require assistance.

Hacer un giro postal puede ser una forma segura de enviar dinero.

English translation of Hacer un giro postal puede ser una forma segura de enviar dinero.

Making a postal money order can be a safe way to send money.

Here, the speaker is noting that to 'hacer un giro postal' can be a secure method for sending money. This could be because postal money orders are traceable and do not require sharing account details directly.

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