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hacer un croquis

English translation of hacer un croquis

make a sketch

'Hacer un croquis' in Spanish translates to 'make a sketch' in English. It's a phrase often used in contexts where someone is asked to draw a quick, informal diagram or map. Pronounced as 'a-ser un croh-kees', it encompasses the act of drafting a brief and basic illustration, often to visualize an idea or concept.

Example sentences using: hacer un croquis

Voy a hacer un croquis para explicarte el camino a mi casa.

English translation of Voy a hacer un croquis para explicarte el camino a mi casa.

I am going to make a sketch to explain the way to my house.

In this example, 'hacer un croquis' is used in the context of creating a simple map or drawing to visually communicate the path to the speaker's house.

El profesor pidió a los estudiantes que hagan un croquis de sus sueños.

English translation of El profesor pidió a los estudiantes que hagan un croquis de sus sueños.

The teacher asked the students to make a sketch of their dreams.

This example presents a situation where 'hacer un croquis' is used in an educational context, with the teacher asking students to depict their dreams through a drawing or sketch.

Podrías hacer un croquis del diseño de la habitación antes de redecorarla?

English translation of Podrías hacer un croquis del diseño de la habitación antes de redecorarla?

Could you make a sketch of the room's design before redecorating it?

In this scenario, 'hacer un croquis' is being applied in an interior design context. It refers to creating a simple sketch or blueprint of the room's layout prior to undertaking redecoration activities.

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