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hacer un aterrizaje forzoso

English translation of hacer un aterrizaje forzoso

make a forced landing

In English, 'hacer un aterrizaje forzoso' translates to 'make a forced landing'. This phrase typically involves aviation scenarios where an aircraft has to land, usually due to technical problems. The word 'hacer' on its own means 'to make' or 'to do', 'aterrizaje' refers to 'landing', and 'forzoso' signifies something that is 'forced' or 'compulsory'. Together, this phrase is commonly used in emergency situations where an aircraft must land due to unforeseen circumstances.

Example sentences using: hacer un aterrizaje forzoso

El piloto tuvo que hacer un aterrizaje forzoso debido a una falla en el motor.

English translation of El piloto tuvo que hacer un aterrizaje forzoso debido a una falla en el motor.

The pilot had to make a forced landing due to an engine failure.

This sentence is about an unexpected situation where the pilot is forced to land the plane because the engine has failed. 'Hacer un aterrizaje forzoso' is used as a verb phrase indicating the action taken by the pilot due to the circumstances.

Durante la tormenta, el avión casi tiene que hacer un aterrizaje forzoso.

English translation of Durante la tormenta, el avión casi tiene que hacer un aterrizaje forzoso.

During the storm, the plane almost had to make a forced landing.

This sentence is talking about a potential situation caused by inclement weather. In this context, 'hacer un aterrizaje forzoso' is used to describe a potential action that could have been taken if the weather conditions had deteriorated further.

Si las condiciones meteorológicas continúan empeorando, tendremos que hacer un aterrizaje forzoso.

English translation of Si las condiciones meteorológicas continúan empeorando, tendremos que hacer un aterrizaje forzoso.

If the weather conditions continue to worsen, we will have to make a forced landing.

This sentence is predicting a possible future scenario based on current circumstances. The phrase 'hacer un aterrizaje forzoso' is used as part of the prediction, indicating the potential action that will need to be taken if the conditions do not improve.

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