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hacer turnos

English translation of hacer turnos

take turns

The Spanish phrase 'hacer turnos' translates to 'take turns' in English. It is typically used in contexts where individuals, often in a group, perform an action one after another, rather than simultaneously. This could be in a game setting, work-related tasks, or other activities that require shared responsibility or participation.

Example sentences using: hacer turnos

Vamos a hacer turnos para cuidar al bebé durante la noche.

English translation of Vamos a hacer turnos para cuidar al bebé durante la noche.

We are going to take turns to take care of the baby during the night.

In this sentence, 'hacer turnos' is used to refer to the organized manner in which responsibilities are shared, implying switching or rotation of roles in a chronological order. In this case, caring for the baby at night.

En el supermercado, los empleados van a hacer turnos para el almuerzo.

English translation of En el supermercado, los empleados van a hacer turnos para el almuerzo.

At the supermarket, employees are going to take turns for lunch.

This sentence depicts a common workplace scenario, where 'hacer turnos' indicates a systematic approach of managing break times in order to ensure continued service. Here, the employees break for lunch in turns so that there are always some staff attending to customers.

Por la situación actual, vamos a hacer turnos para trabajar desde casa.

English translation of Por la situación actual, vamos a hacer turnos para trabajar desde casa.

Due to the current situation, we are going to take turns to work from home.

This sentence refers to a possible arrangement among a work team wherein 'hacer turnos' means establishing a rotation system. In this context, due to a specific circumstance (probably a pandemic situation), workers rotate shifts to work from home to meet social distancing requirements.

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