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hacer fotos

English translation of hacer fotos


The Spanish phrase 'hacer fotos' is directly translated to English as 'make photos'. However, it is more commonly understood as 'take photos', matching the action of capturing an image with a camera.

Example sentences using: hacer fotos

Me encanta hacer fotos cuando viajo.

English translation of Me encanta hacer fotos cuando viajo.

I love taking photos when I travel.

This sentence is expressing a person's enthusiasm for taking photos whenever they are traveling. The verb 'Hacer fotos' literally translates to 'make photos', but in English it would be more common to say 'taking photos'.

Hoy voy a hacer fotos en el parque.

English translation of Hoy voy a hacer fotos en el parque.

Today I am going to take photos in the park.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their intention to go take photos in a park. The verb 'Voy a' followed by an infinitive is used to talk about future plans in Spanish.

Estoy aprendiendo a hacer fotos con mi nueva cámara.

English translation of Estoy aprendiendo a hacer fotos con mi nueva cámara.

I am learning to take photos with my new camera.

This sentence reflects someone's current action of learning to take photos with a new camera. The verb 'Estoy' is the first person singular form of 'Estar', which is used here to indicate an ongoing action (the process of learning to take photos).

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