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hacer escalada

English translation of hacer escalada


The Spanish term 'hacer escalada' translates to 'climbing' in English. It's a verb phrase commonly used to refer to the physical activity of climbing, particularly in the context of outdoor sports or activities. This can involve scaling structures such as mountains, cliffs or artificial climbing walls. In certain contexts, it may also refer to metaphorical or figurative climbing, such as opening one's way to success.

Example sentences using: hacer escalada

Me gusta hacer escalada durante mis vacaciones.

English translation of Me gusta hacer escalada durante mis vacaciones.

I like to go climbing during my vacations.

This statement is from a person who enjoys going climbing when they are on holiday. In Spanish, 'Me gusta' means 'I like', and 'durante mis vacaciones' translates to 'during my vacations'. The phrase 'hacer escalada' implies the activity of climbing mountains or rocks.

Vamos a hacer escalada este fin de semana.

English translation of Vamos a hacer escalada este fin de semana.

We are going to go climbing this weekend.

This is a future intention of a group of people to go climbing the coming weekend. The Spanish phrase 'Vamos a' implies we are going to. 'este fin de semana' translates to 'this weekend'. Therefore, the speaker is suggesting a plan to 'hacer escalada' meaning to go climbing in the near future.

Hacer escalada es mi pasatiempo favorito.

English translation of Hacer escalada es mi pasatiempo favorito.

Climbing is my favorite hobby.

In this context, the speaker is expressing his personal preference for climbing as a hobby. 'mi pasatiempo favorito' translates to 'my favorite hobby'. Therefore, the phrase 'Hacer escalada' here means that the activity of climbing is the speaker's favorite pastime activity.

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