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hacer de (un personaje)

English translation of hacer de (un personaje)

make (a character)

'Hacer de (un personaje)' in Spanish refers to the act of playing a role or portraying a character, in the context of acting in a theatrical performance, film, or television series. It literally translates to 'make (a character)' in English, signifying the creation and development of a unique character persona by an actor.

Example sentences using: hacer de (un personaje)

Para la obra de teatro, Alfredo tiene que hacer de Don Quijote.

English translation of Para la obra de teatro, Alfredo tiene que hacer de Don Quijote.

For the play, Alfredo has to play Don Quixote.

In this sentence, 'hacer de' means to play a role in a theatrical setting. Alfredo is assigned to portray the character 'Don Quixote' in a play.

En la película, Robert Downey Jr. hizo de Iron Man.

English translation of En la película, Robert Downey Jr. hizo de Iron Man.

In the movie, Robert Downey Jr. played Iron Man.

This sentence talks about a past event in which Robert Downey Jr. portrayed the character 'Iron Man' in a movie, emphasized by 'hizo de', which is past tense of 'hacer de' meaning 'played'.

¿Quién va a hacer de la princesa en la representación escolar?

English translation of ¿Quién va a hacer de la princesa en la representación escolar?

Who is going to play the princess in the school play?

In this question, 'hacer de' is used to ask who is going to portray or act as 'the princess' in a school play.

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