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English translation of habitante


The word 'habitante' in Spanish translates to 'inhabitant' in English. It is used to refer to a person who resides in a particular place. For instance, if someone lives in Madrid, they could be referred to as a 'habitante de Madrid' meaning 'inhabitant of Madrid'. Depending on the context, the word 'habitante' can also indicate plants or animals living in a particular environment.

Example sentences using: habitante

Soy un habitante de esta ciudad.

English translation of Soy un habitante de esta ciudad.

I am a resident of this city.

This sentence implies that the speaker is a resident of the city they are currently in or talking about.

Cada habitante debe pagar sus impuestos.

English translation of Cada habitante debe pagar sus impuestos.

Every inhabitant must pay their taxes.

This sentence conveys the responsibility of every citizen to fulfill their obligation of paying taxes.

El número de habitantes en esta región está creciendo.

English translation of El número de habitantes en esta región está creciendo.

The number of inhabitants in this region is growing.

This sentence indicates an increase in the population in a certain region.

Hay menos de cien habitantes en mi pueblo.

English translation of Hay menos de cien habitantes en mi pueblo.

There are less than one hundred inhabitants in my town.

Here the speaker states that the population of their town is less than one hundred people.

Cada habitante tiene derecho a votar.

English translation of Cada habitante tiene derecho a votar.

Every inhabitant has the right to vote.

This sentence signifies that every citizen has the political right to vote.

Somos los habitantes originales de esta tierra.

English translation of Somos los habitantes originales de esta tierra.

We are the original inhabitants of this land.

This sentence conveys that the speaker and their people are the indigenous or first people of the land they're referring to.

El promedio de habitantes por casa es de cuatro.

English translation of El promedio de habitantes por casa es de cuatro.

The average number of inhabitants per house is four.

The sentence provides information about the average household size in a certain place.

La ciudad tiene más de un millón de habitantes.

English translation of La ciudad tiene más de un millón de habitantes.

The city has more than a million inhabitants.

This sentence describes the population count of a city to be over a million.

Un buen habitante sigue las reglas de la comunidad.

English translation of Un buen habitante sigue las reglas de la comunidad.

A good inhabitant follows the rules of the community.

This sentence indicates the behavioral expectation from a good citizen or resident in a community.

El plan beneficiará a todos los habitantes.

English translation of El plan beneficiará a todos los habitantes.

The plan will benefit all inhabitants.

The speaker is implying that a particular plan will have benefits for everyone in a specific community or area.

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