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English translation of guitarra


Guitarra refers to the musical instrument with typically six strings. It's one of the most popular instruments in many types of music.

Example sentences using: guitarra

Yo tengo una guitarra.

English translation of Yo tengo una guitarra.

I have a guitar.

This phrase is an example of possessing something in Spanish. 'Yo tengo' means 'I have' followed by the object of the sentence 'una guitarra'- 'a guitar.'

¿Sabe tocar la guitarra?

English translation of ¿Sabe tocar la guitarra?

Do you know how to play the guitar?


Ella está aprendiendo a tocar la guitarra.

English translation of Ella está aprendiendo a tocar la guitarra.

She is learning to play the guitar.

This Spanish phrase is in the present continuous tense and expresses an ongoing action happening now. 'Ella' means 'she', 'está aprendiendo' means 'is learning', 'a tocar' means 'to play', and 'la guitarra' means 'the guitar.'

La guitarra es un instrumento musical.

English translation of La guitarra es un instrumento musical.

The guitar is a musical instrument.

This is a basic sentence construction which states a fact. 'La guitarra' is 'the guitar' and 'es un instrumento musical' is 'is a musical instrument.'

Me gusta tu guitarra.

English translation of Me gusta tu guitarra.

I like your guitar.

'Me gusta' is a way to express 'I like' in Spanish. 'Tu guitarra' means 'your guitar.' This phrase implies that you enjoy the appearance or the sound of someone else's guitar.

El sonido de la guitarra es hermoso.

English translation of El sonido de la guitarra es hermoso.

The sound of the guitar is beautiful.

This Spanish phrase describes something. 'El sonido de' is 'The sound of', 'la guitarra' is 'the guitar' and 'es hermoso' is 'is beautiful.' This phrase praises the sound of a guitar.

Mi hermano toca la guitarra en una banda.

English translation of Mi hermano toca la guitarra en una banda.

My brother plays the guitar in a band.

This sentence talks about a habitual action. 'Mi hermano' is 'My brother', 'toca la guitarra' is 'plays the guitar', and 'en una banda' is 'in a band.'

La guitarra de Juan está desafinada.

English translation of La guitarra de Juan está desafinada.

Juan's guitar is out of tune.

This sentence states a condition of something. 'La guitarra de Juan' is 'Juan's guitar' and 'está desafinada' is 'is out of tune'. It suggests that Juan's guitar needs tuning.

He comprado una guitarra nueva.

English translation of He comprado una guitarra nueva.

I bought a new guitar.

The phrase 'He comprado' is an example of the present perfect tense in Spanish, equivalent to 'I have bought.' 'Una guitarra nueva' means 'a new guitar.'

Necesito nuevas cuerdas para mi guitarra.

English translation of Necesito nuevas cuerdas para mi guitarra.

I need new strings for my guitar.

This phrase shows a need or requirement. 'Necesito' translates to 'I need', 'nuevas cuerdas' to 'new strings', 'para mi guitarra' to 'for my guitar'. It captures the speaker's need for replacing their guitar strings.

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