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guerra biológica

English translation of guerra biológica

Biological war

The term 'guerra biológica' translates to 'biological war' in English. A biological war refers to the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi with the intent to kill or incapacitate humans, animals, or plants as an act of war. Biological weapons (often termed as bio-weapons, biological threat agents, or bio-agents) are living organisms or replicating entities viruses, which are not universally considered 'alive'.

Example sentences using: guerra biológica

La guerra biológica es una amenaza creciente en nuestro mundo moderno.

English translation of La guerra biológica es una amenaza creciente en nuestro mundo moderno.

Biological warfare is a growing threat in our modern world.

This example sentence shows the use of the term 'guerra biológica' in a broader context referring to global or geopolitical issues and threats.

Los científicos están trabajando en nuevas defensas contra la guerra biológica.

English translation of Los científicos están trabajando en nuevas defensas contra la guerra biológica.

Scientists are working on new defenses against biological warfare.

In this sentence, 'guerra biológica' is used in a context that refers to the scientific and defense efforts against biological warfare.

La historia de la guerra biológica es tanto fascinante como aterradora.

English translation of La historia de la guerra biológica es tanto fascinante como aterradora.

The history of biological warfare is both fascinating and terrifying.

Here, the term 'guerra biológica' is used in a historical context, referring to past events of biological warfare.

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