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English translation of gruñir

to growl

The Spanish verb 'gruñir' translates to 'to growl' in English. It is used to describe the sound that an animal, often a dog, makes. It can also figuratively refer to a person who is expressing discontent or disapproval.

Example sentences using: gruñir

El perro comenzó a gruñir al ver al gato.

English translation of El perro comenzó a gruñir al ver al gato.

The dog started to growl when he saw the cat.

This sentence uses the verb 'gruñir' to describe the noise made by the dog, growling, in response to seeing the cat. It is in the past tense ('comenzó') indicating that this action has already happened.

No gruñas para conseguir lo que quieras.

English translation of No gruñas para conseguir lo que quieras.

Do not growl to get what you want.

This sentence uses 'gruñir' in a figurative way, suggesting that the person is complaining or making noise to get what they want, rather than literally growling. It is an imperative sentence, offering advice or instructions.

Cuando tiene hambre, mi estómago empieza a gruñir.

English translation of Cuando tiene hambre, mi estómago empieza a gruñir.

When I'm hungry, my stomach starts to growl.

In this sentence, the verb 'gruñir' is used to describe the sound made by the speaker's stomach when they are hungry. This is a common, idiomatic usage of 'gruñir' in Spanish, showing that it can describe more than just the sounds animals make.

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