The Spanish word 'granada' translates to 'grenade' in English. It is a noun often used in military context, referring to a small bomb that can be thrown by hand. However, it also can refer to a type of fruit with a hard shell and sweet, juicy seeds inside, similar to a pomegranate. In geographical context, it is the name of a city and a province in Andalusia, southern Spain. The context in which the word 'granada' is used typically determines its correct, intended translation.
I would like to visit Granada someday
In this sentence, Granada is used as a proper noun referring to the city of Granada in Spain. It demonstrates how you can express future desires or plans.
The pomegranate is a very nutritious fruit
Here, 'granada' is used as a common noun referring to the pomegranate fruit. It shows you how to describe something in Spanish.
She threw a grenade in the middle of the battle
In this context, 'granada' refers to a type of weapon known as a grenade. This sentence is an example of using action verbs and prepositional phrases.