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English translation of gotas


The word 'gotas' in Spanish translates to 'drops' in English. This word can be used in several contexts. In the physical sense, it can refer to the small particles of a liquid that fall, for example, 'gotas de lluvia' would mean 'raindrops'. Furthermore, it can be used in a medicinal environment when referring to liquid medication that is administered in droplet form, such as 'gotas para los ojos', meaning 'eye drops'. It's a common word used in various situations in Spanish language.

Example sentences using: gotas

El sonido de las gotas de agua es relajante.

English translation of El sonido de las gotas de agua es relajante.

The sound of water drops is relaxing.

Here, 'gotas' indicates droplets, smaller portions of a liquid. In the example, it refers to drops of water, symbolizing peace and calmness.

Acabo de tomar unas gotas de medicina.

English translation of Acabo de tomar unas gotas de medicina.

I just took some drops of medicine.

This sentence uses 'gotas' in the context of a measurement of liquid, often used for medicine or other substances.

Las gotas de lluvia caen sobre el tejado.

English translation of Las gotas de lluvia caen sobre el tejado.

Raindrops fall on the roof.

In this usage, 'gotas' refers to small amounts of liquid, often water, that falls as precipitation.

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