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gorro de ducha

English translation of gorro de ducha

shower cap

The Spanish term 'gorro de ducha' translates to 'shower cap' in English. It is a term commonly used to refer to a cover made from plastic or waterproof material that is worn over the hair to keep it dry while taking a shower. In many Spanish-speaking countries, it can be found in stores where personal care or hygiene products are sold.

Example sentences using: gorro de ducha

Necesito comprar un nuevo gorro de ducha porque el mío está roto.

English translation of Necesito comprar un nuevo gorro de ducha porque el mío está roto.

I need to buy a new shower cap because mine is broken.

This example demonstrates using 'gorro de ducha' in a sentence where you express a need to replace a broken item.

Por favor, asegúrate de poner un gorro de ducha antes de entrar en la ducha.

English translation of Por favor, asegúrate de poner un gorro de ducha antes de entrar en la ducha.

Please, make sure to put on a shower cap before getting in the shower.

In this example, 'gorro de ducha' is used in the context of giving instructions about what to do before taking a shower.

Mi gorro de ducha favorito tiene patrones de flores.

English translation of Mi gorro de ducha favorito tiene patrones de flores.

My favorite shower cap has flower patterns.

This sentence illustrates the use of 'gorro de ducha' when expressing personal preferences and depicting visual features of an object.

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